How To Use Your Folder

Click “Eye” icon to preview your PDF or XLSX file
Click “Trash” icon to delete your PDF or XLSX file
After clicking “view” icon on a PDF file, you will see the preview of the PDF.  You can click “download” on the upper right hand side corner to download the PDF file.
Follow the step above, you could click “print” icon on the upper right hand side corner to print the PDF document.
Click “eye” icon on image shown XLS to open XLSX or XLS file and view XLS file.
After seeing the preview of you xlsx or xls document, you can click “pop-out” icon on the upper right hand side corner to get more options.
Choose “open with” on the upper centre selection box to select “google sheet”. This function will download the spreadsheet to your google drive. You will be able to view and edit as spreadsheet on your google drive.
Instead of choose “open with”, if you click on “Print” icon on the upper right hand side, the xls document will be opened to be ready to print.
This is the print ready page. You can click on “Print” to print out the page.
On this print ready page, you can click on “download” the file instead of printing it out. However, it won’t let you download the page as xls. The page will be converted to PDF and be downloaded as PDF when you click on “download” icon here.
The last but not the least, do NOT click on the icon “open original”. It will only get error, because no original file is available for opening.